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Last updated on March 26, 2024 by Ben Thompson

What is Friendshoring, Nearshoring, Reshoring and Offshoring

friendshoring nearshoring reshoring offshoring

Friendshoring, nearshoring, reshoring and offshoring are terms used when companies that are involved in importing or exporting products are evaluating or their global supply chain strategy. There are various factors that influence a company’s desire to change.

Most recently, geopolitical instability and supply chain resilience are 2 key factors that have driven import export companies to evaluate their long term strategy. Some key factors that influence a company’s change in strategy include:

  • Geopolitical stability
  • Supply chain resilience
  • Evolving trade deals
  • Reduced transport cost and time
  • Shared values and standards
  • Consumer preference
  • Reducing risk

Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing can also influence a company’s supply chain decisions. There are certain benefits and risks involved with each strategy, which should be carefully evaluated before making a final decision on which direction to take.

In this article we explore the benefits and risks of each strategy that companies must accurately assess before making long term decisions.

What is Friendshoring?

Friendshoring is a an approach used when the partnering countries share similar values. If each country share similar political, economic and cultural values it can put a strong case together to ‘friendshore’ manufacturing between each country.

This concept has gained traction as businesses and governments look for more stable and reliable ways to manage their supply chains amid global uncertainties. By prioritizing trading with friends or allied nations, companies aim to mitigate the vulnerabilities associated with geopolitical tensions and trade disputes that can arise from dealing with countries outside of this circle of trust.

The principle behind friendshoring is to create a more predictable and secure trade environment by leveraging the mutual interests and cooperative relationships that exist between allied countries. This approach contrasts with traditional ‘offshoring’, where the primary considerations are often cost reduction and efficiency gains, without significant regard for the geopolitical landscape.

Friendshoring encourages the development of supply chains that are more aligned with shared values and standards, including labor practices, regulations and intellectual property protections. This alignment can facilitate smoother trade relations, reduce compliance risks, and foster a collaborative approach to addressing global challenges, such as climate change and cybersecurity threats. While friendshoring does not replace other forms of international trade, it represents a strategic layer aimed at reinforcing supply chain security and stability through closer cooperation with trusted partners.

Benefits of Friendshoring

By aligning supply chain operations with countries that share similar political, economic, and cultural values, businesses can tap numerous advantages, including:

  • Strengthened Political and Economic Ties: This approach can further solidify relationships between allied countries, leading to more collaborative efforts beyond trade, including technology exchanges and joint initiatives on global challenges.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Resilience: Friendshoring with politically and economically stable countries reduces the risk of supply chain disruptions caused by geopolitical conflicts or trade wars.
  • Improved Regulatory and Standards Alignment: Collaborating with countries that have similar regulatory frameworks and standards simplifies compliance, ensuring smoother trade flows and less administrative burden.
  • Increased Trade Efficiency: Shared cultural values and better political relations can lead to more efficient trade negotiations and agreements, streamlining logistics and customs procedures.
  • Access to Markets with Similar Consumer Values: Friendshoring can open up new markets where consumers prioritize similar values, such as sustainability and ethical labor practices, aligning with brand image and corporate social responsibility goals.

By focusing on building supply chains with allied nations, friendshoring not only aims to make global trade more secure and reliable but also capitalizes on the shared interests and values that enhance both business outcomes and international relations.

Risks of Friendshoring

This strategy can lead to overreliance on a limited number of countries, potentially creating vulnerabilities if those nations face economic or political instability. Furthermore, narrowing trade to ally countries might lead to inefficiencies and higher costs due to less competitive pricing. Additionally, friendshoring could inadvertently provoke trade tensions with non-ally countries, potentially leading to retaliatory measures that disrupt global trade dynamics.

  • Overreliance on Specific Countries: Concentrating trade among allied nations may lead to dependency, making supply chains vulnerable to disruptions within these countries.
  • Increased Costs: Limiting suppliers to friendshoring partners may result in higher production costs due to less competitive pricing and potentially higher labor and regulatory costs in ally countries.
  • Potential for Trade Tensions: Prioritizing trade with allies might alienate other trading partners, leading to geopolitical friction and possible retaliatory trade barriers.
  • Adaptability to Market Changes: Friendshoring can limit a company’s flexibility to quickly adapt to global market shifts and supply chain dynamics outside of its friendshoring network.

These risks underscore the importance of maintaining a balanced approach in supply chain strategy, combining friendshoring with other sourcing methods to optimize resilience, cost-efficiency, and global market responsiveness.

What is an Example of Friendshoring?

An example of friendshoring includes the recent efforts by the United States and European Union to strengthen their trade relationships in the context of semiconductor production and supply. Amidst a global semiconductor shortage that highlighted vulnerabilities in the global supply chain, the US and EU have moved towards enhancing their cooperation in this critical sector.

This initiative was driven by a mutual interest in reducing dependence on Asian semiconductor manufacturing hubs, which currently dominate the market, and is a response to the increased need for supply chain resilience and technological sovereignty.

In 2021, both the U.S. and EU announced significant investments in semiconductor production within their territories, aiming to rebuild and secure their technological infrastructure. In August 2022, the U.S. authorized the CHIPS and Science Act, earmarking billions of dollars for domestic semiconductor manufacturing, research, and development. Simultaneously, the EU set forth its ambitious Digital Compass plan, which includes the European Chips Act, seeking to double its share of global semiconductor production by 2030. These moves underscore a strategic pivot towards friendshoring by building up capacities in areas of mutual trust and shared strategic interests.

Is Friendshoring a good idea?

By leveraging the stability and shared values found within alliances, friendshoring offers a promising path towards enhancing supply chain resilience and addressing the challenges posed by an interconnected global economy.

However, it’s also important to recognize the limitations and challenges of friendshoring. Relying heavily on a select group of countries might limit the diversification of supply sources, potentially leading to vulnerabilities if those ‘friendly’ countries experience unexpected disruptions.

While friendshoring presents an appealing strategy for mitigating certain risks and aligning supply chain practices with geopolitical and ethical considerations, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Companies must weigh the benefits against potential drawbacks, considering their unique operational requirements, market goals, and the dynamic global landscape.

What is Nearshoring?

meeting in global trade

Nearshoring is the approach used when businesses move their operations to suppliers in neighboring or nearby countries. This practice allows companies to benefit from a balance between cost efficiency and operational control.

By ‘nearshoring’ supply chains, businesses could take advantage of reduced shipping costs and shorter shipping times offered by suppliers close to their home country.

It’s an effective strategy for companies aiming to boost their agility, enhance supply chain efficiency with suppliers and to maintain lower operational costs without facing the extensive challenges posed by offshoring to distant countries.

Benefits of Nearshoring

Nearshoring presents a advantages primarily through cost reduction and in closer geographical location. This proximity significantly cuts down on shipping times and costs, enhancing the supply chain’s efficiency and market responsiveness.

Nearshoring also enhances supply chain flexibility and risk management by allowing companies to diversify their production and sourcing across nearby countries. This approach helps mitigate geopolitical and economic risks, making the supply chain more resilient and adaptable to market shifts and challenges.

  • Reduced Costs: Cost reductions in logistics and shipping through geographical proximity.
  • Reduced Shipment Times: If both countries already have a vast shipping network, shipment ‘days on the water’ can be greatly reduced.
  • Increased Trade Efficiency: Fewer time zone differences and improved communications will increase the efficiency of orders and shipments.

Risks of Nearshoring

Nearshoring manufacturing operations carries its own set of risks due to political instability, economic fluctuations, and cultural differences. Countries close by can suddenly face political upheavals or strained relations, leading to trade policy changes and increased costs, which can undermine the benefits of ‘nearshoring’ operations.

Economic volatility in the nearshore country can also shift the financial benefits unfavorably. Additionally, the assumption of cultural and operational alignment due to a closer location might not hold true, as significant differences in business practices and regulations can arise.

  • Political Instability: Stained relations can lead to unpredictable trade policy changes.
  • Economic Volatility: While economic volatility may always be a risk, it’s important to understand that it can be just as volatile in countries near.
  • Supply Chain Maturity: A partner country may not have a mature logistics network of reliable roads, rails, and sea routes, which can lead time unreliable shipping.

What is an example of nearshoring?

An example of ‘nearshoring’ manufacturing operations is how Ford Motor Company has established manufacturing plants in Mexico. This strategic move allows Ford to capitalize on Mexico’s lower labor costs and favorable trade agreements with the United States, under the USMCA trade agreement that came into effect on the 1st of July 2020.

The proximity of Mexico to the U.S. enables Ford to maintain a lean supply chain, ensuring that components and finished products can be quickly and efficiently transported across the border. This nearshoring strategy not only reduces operational costs for Ford but also enables the company to respond swiftly to market demands and maintain high levels of production flexibility.

What is Reshoring?

global trade reshoring

Reshoring is the process of bringing back manufacturing and production activities to a company’s home country that were previously relocated to foreign countries. This strategic move is often driven by the desire to regain control over production processes, enhance the quality of products, reduce geopolitical risk and respond swiftly to market demands.

It marks a shift from the traditional offshoring model, where companies initially sought cost reductions by moving operations to countries with lower labor costs.

Benefits of Reshoring

Through ‘reshoring’ manufacturing operations, companies have recognized the importance of closer geographical proximity to their consumer markets, which can lead to reduced shipping times and costs. Additionally, advancements in technology and automation have made domestic production more cost-effective, diminishing the labor cost advantage once offered by offshoring.

By relocating manufacturing back to the home country, businesses aim to mitigate the risks associated with political instability, tariff wars, and other international challenges. This approach supports not only a more stable and predictable supply chain but also contributes to the local economy by creating jobs and fostering industrial growth.

  • Greater Independence from International Supply Chain Risks: By relying less on foreign suppliers and manufacturers, companies reduce their vulnerability to international disruptions, such as geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and global pandemics.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Control and Visibility: Bringing operations back home improves oversight and control over the manufacturing processes, allowing for quicker adaptations to market changes or customer demands.
  • Support for Local Economy and Job Creation: Reshoring can boost the local economy by creating jobs, which in turn supports community development and can enhance the company’s reputation.
  • Reduced Lead Times and Faster Market Response: Shorter distances between manufacturing facilities and the end market mean reduced shipping times, leading to faster responses to market trends and customer needs.

Risks of Reshoring

The risks involved with ‘reshoring’ manufacturing operations stem from the transition and structural changes involved in moving operations back to the home country. Below are the key risks associated with reshoring manufacturing operations:

  • Increased Production Costs: Shifting manufacturing back to a company’s home country can lead to higher labor and production costs, especially in regions where wages are significantly higher than in offshoring destinations.
  • Supply Chain Reconfiguration: Reshoring requires the re-establishment of local supplier networks, which can be a very time consuming and costly process. Companies might face difficulties in sourcing certain raw materials or components domestically at competitive prices.
  • Initial Capital Investment: The initial investment needed for setting up manufacturing facilities, including the adoption of new technologies and training of the workforce can be substantial.
  • Adjustment Period: The transition period can be marked by disruptions in the supply chain, affecting product availability and lead times until the ‘reshored’ operations stabilize.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Challenges: Companies may encounter a complex regulatory environment in their home country, with stringent labor laws, environmental regulations, and compliance requirements, adding to the operational costs and complexity.

What is an example of reshoring?

One notable example of reshoring manufacturing operations is the decision by Stanley Black & Decker to bring manufacturing back to the United States. In 2017, the company announced plans to open a new $35 million manufacturing facility in Fort Worth, Texas, signaling a significant move towards reshoring their production capabilities.

This decision was driven by a combination of factors, including the desire to be closer to their main market in the U.S. to improve supply chain efficiency, and to respond more quickly to customer demands. The move was also influenced by considerations of product quality and the desire to capitalize on a “Made in the USA” branding strategy, which resonates strongly with many American consumers.

However, the project faced major hurdles, leading to the plant’s shutdown in March 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain issues heavily affected the factory’s ability to operate smoothly. The advanced automation technology, which was key to making the plant competitive, didn’t work as expected. This problem, along with difficulties in testing equipment because of the pandemic, presented the company with a tough decision.

What is Offshoring?

meeting in company with offshore team

Contrast to the strategies mentioned above, ‘offshoring’ manufacturing is a term used when companies relocate certain aspects of their business operations to a different country. This relocation often targets regions with lower labor costs to capitalize on economic efficiencies.

Offshoring can encompass a wide range of business processes, from manufacturing products to providing customer service, aiming to reduce expenses while either maintaining or enhancing production efficiency. By diminishing operational costs through outsourcing tasks to offshore locations, businesses can offer their products at more attractive prices.

Businesses can also plan to offshore their business processes. Processes such as bookkeeping, HR and marketing can also be performed by offshore talent. Marketplaces such as TalentVine allow employers to compare outsourcing providers, making it an attractive option for many organizations.

Offshoring, along with outsourcing, demands meticulous planning and execution. Companies venturing into offshoring need to navigate the complexities of transplanting operations abroad, which includes a deep understanding of the legal, cultural, and economic milieu of the target country.

Benefits of Offshoring

Offshoring offers businesses a strategic advantage by enabling cost optimization and access to a global talent pool. By relocating certain business functions to countries with lower labor costs, companies can significantly enhance their profit margins or competitively price their offerings.

Additionally, offshoring exposes businesses to a wider array of skilled professionals in specialized areas, potentially improving innovation and the quality of output.

  • Cost Optimization: Reduced labor expenses can be accessed through some offshore manufacturing countries.
  • Access to global talent: A global manufacturing base can provide a pool of specialized talent, to enhance product innovation and manufacturing techniques.
  • Continuous Operations: Various different time zones can provide continuous operations to improve customer support or project turnaround times.

Risks of Offshoring

Offshoring manufacturing operations introduces notable risks centered around geopolitical risks and communication challenges.

Language barriers and cultural differences between the home office and offshore teams can also lead to significant misunderstandings. Additionally, time zone differences can exacerbate the situation, delaying crucial interactions and thereby affecting project timelines and the company’s competitive edge in the marketplace.

  • Greater International Supply Chain Risks: By relying on foreign suppliers and manufacturers, companies increase their vulnerability to international disruptions, such as geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and global pandemics.
  • Increased Lead Times and Slower Market Response: Longer distances between manufacturing facilities and the end market mean increased shipping times, leading to slower responses to market trends and customer needs.
  • Limited Supply Chain Control and Visibility: Taking manufacturing operations offshore reduces oversight and control over the manufacturing processes, leading to slower adaptations to market changes or customer demands.
  • Loss of Domestic Support and Job Creation: Offshoring can damage the domestic economy by losing jobs to outsourced countries.
  • Language & Cultural Differences: Communication between offshore countries can be challenging due to different language and cultural understandings.
  • Time Zone Differences: Delayed interactions caused by time zone differences can prolong the communication and decision making processes.

Example of Offshoring

One notable example of offshoring in global trade involves Apple Inc. Apple designs its products in the United States but the manufacturing and assembly of these devices are predominantly done in China, by companies like Foxconn, one of the largest electronics contract manufacturers in the world.

This offshoring strategy allows Apple to benefit from China’s lower labor costs and established supply chain ecosystems, which are critical for the mass production of electronics. The arrangement not only helps Apple maintain its competitive pricing but also ensures the company can meet the high demand for its products across the globe.

This offshoring model has significant implications for global trade, highlighting the interconnectedness of economies and the role of strategic partnerships in achieving competitive advantage in the international marketplace.

What is the difference between offshoring and nearshoring?

The fundamental difference between offshoring and nearshoring lies in their geographical orientation and the strategic objectives.

Offshoring involves relocating business processes to countries far from the company’s home country, often to capitalize on lower labor costs and other economic efficiencies. This long-distance move aims to maximize cost savings but can introduce challenges such as cultural and time zone differences, potentially complicating communication and coordination.

Nearshoring narrows the geographical gap by choosing countries closer to the home base for relocating business operations. The shorter distance provides companies with cost benefits of offshoring while minimizing the risks associated with larger geographical distances. Nearshoring improves communication and simplifies the logistics process, making it easier to manage supply chains and respond to market changes quickly

Ultimately, the choice between offshoring and nearshoring reflects a company’s priorities between cost reduction and operational flexibility.

To Summarize

In conclusion, the global logistics and supply chain landscape presents a complex array of challenges and strategies for companies to navigate in order to optimize their operations, minimize risks, and maximize profitability.

Friendshoring, nearshoring, reshoring, and offshoring are pivotal approaches, each with its distinct advantages and considerations. The choice among friendshoring, nearshoring, reshoring, and offshoring depends on the company’s strategic priorities, the nature of its products or services, and the dynamics of the markets it serves.

Ultimately, a successful supply chain strategy requires a balanced approach that considers both the immediate benefits of cost savings and efficiency gains and the long-term advantages of supply chain stability, sustainability, and alignment with the company’s broader strategic goals.

By thoughtfully evaluating these strategies, companies can navigate the complexities of the global marketplace and build a supply chain that supports their objectives in an ever-evolving world.

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